
The Secrets of Making Self-Care For Moms a Priority

June 23, 2020

Self-care for moms is so important, and is something that shouldn’t be dismissed, no matter how many children you have. It can get so easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, especially when you have kids. 

As mothers, we tend to make everyone else a priority before ourselves. A mother’s job is limitless. We cook multiple meals, clean, bathe, teach, discipline and the list goes on… I’m very lucky I have an amazing husband who has taken the father role quite seriously. 

He’s awesome and makes my job so much easier. But, I still do find at times that I have put my self-care on the back burner while trying to juggle the responsibilities of being a mother.

I see so often mothers who don’t make self-care a priority. Putting everyone’s needs above theirs, not taking care of their bodies, not making their mental health a priority, and not feeding their body the proper nutrients.

If you don’t take care of yourself, then how do you expect to take care of your children the best way you can? Even though you’re a mother it doesn’t mean that you let yourself go and put your priorities last.

I always take the time for self-care because it makes me feel good. I love exercising, eating right, and taking time out for myself to do the things I love to do.

Here are the secrets of self-care for moms.

Self-care For Moms: Move Your Body

Staying active is one of the best ways to create self-care for moms. Regular physical activity gives you the energy to tackle everyday tasks and benefits your body and brain function.

Exercising is so important to me because I feel happier when I’m moving my body and breaking a sweat.  Exercise produces changes in the part of the brain that regulates stress and anxiety.  Exercising helps to shed the extra weight and gives you a better mental focus for your day-to-day tasks.

I find that exercising is so healing for me. It allows me to take that hour out of my day for myself. It allows me to become stronger mentally and physically and leaves me feeling rejuvenated afterward. I don’t only exercise to lose weight but to become physically stronger not only for myself but for my children as well.

It took a while for me to lose my postpartum weight, I discuss one of my previous articles tips on how I lost the weight and continue to do so.

I want my children to see the importance of physical activity. I can’t put them in sports and expect them to stay active if I’m not doing it myself.


Self-care For Moms: Feed Your Body Well

Good food that nourishes your body will do not only your body good but your mind as well.

Healthy and whole-foods is amazing self-care for moms.

I’ve noticed when I’m eating healthy foods, my mind is more clear. I have more energy, I’m quick thinking, and I’m more productive. 

Eating well for me has become a routine that I will never give up because I love the way it makes me feel.

It’s okay to have cheat days in moderation, but you only have one body, so why not feed it the best foods you can.

I love to cook but of course, there are days when I’m feeling overwhelmed or too tired. So if we do decide to take out, I always make sure that it’s something more on the line of healthy than non-healthy.

Trust me when I say you are what you eat. Greasy foods that are high in fat and calories won’t do your body any good in the long run.

Plus, when it is time to indulge in a burger and milkshake, you’ll appreciate it so much more if you’ve been eating healthy.

Self-care For Moms: Get a Good Amount of Sleep


self-care as a mother

Self-care for moms means good sleep.

Am I right?

I need my sleep. I don’t know how there are moms that can function with little to no sleep. Having a goods night rest is so important because your body needs to rest and recharge for the next day.  Try to get around 6 to 8 hours of sleep a day. Try to put the phone down before bed as it can become a big distraction when you’re trying to get some rest.

I like to put this all-natural pillow mist on my pillow before I go to bed, and I find that it gives me a better night’s sleep and I feel more refreshed in the morning.

All Natural Pillow Mist

This pillow mist is crafted with 8 blends of all-natural ingredients known for their sleep-enhancing properties, helping you fall asleep faster and wake up feeling more refreshed.


Self-care For Moms: Create a Skincare Routine


After my son was born, the dark eye bags and dry skin became the norm. I regularly have no issues with my skin so this was really annoying for me because, on top of everything else, I was dealing with skin issues.

I did a lot of research and invested in a few good skincare products to help with the issues that I was having.  My number one concern was the dark circles under my eyes.

I tried using eye masks that I purchased from Amazon, but they weren’t really helping in diminishing the darkness.  I purchased the Hibiscus Botanicals Eye Cream for dark circles and puffiness.

It worked wonders for my dark circles. It took around a month to see a difference, and I have to say it’s one of my favorite skincare products. I noticed how much it brightened the dark circles under my eye and made me look less tired. 

Another amazing skincare product that I purchased was the Sunday Riley Luna Night Sleeping Oil. This product is FANTASTIC. I noticed such a big change in the texture of my skin, the redness, and the dryness. 

This oil did wonders for my skin that I stopped using a lot of the other serums and skincare products that I was using daily.  This oil is retinol that boosts the look and feels of skin plumpness while improving the appearance of redness and pores.

I also make sure that when I am wearing makeup, I remove it properly before bed. I find that a lot of women mess this step up and it’s so important to make sure that ALL of the makeup is off before you apply any other skincare product. I usually wipe my makeup off with a makeup wipe followed by Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water, and then a face wash.  These three steps are crucial to making sure that all of the makeup is fully off and I can continue on with the other products.

Taking care of your skin is important because you will feel better if you look better. You’ll have more confidence in the skin you’re in which also makes you happier.

Hibiscus Botanicals Eye Cream

All-in-one Eye Cream absorbs quickly to rejuvenate the delicate eye area for bright, lifted, youthful looking eyes. Our multi-tasking formula helps reinforce and firm skin; minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and lock in moisture.


Sunday Riley Sleeping Night Oil

A next-generation retinol oil that helps skin look and feel plumper while improving the appearance of wrinkles, redness, and pores.

Great for all skin types: normal, dry, combination, and oily.

Great for dark spots, fine lines and wrinkles, and pores.


Garnier Micellar Water

Use as a facial cleanser in the AM and as a makeup remover at night; Garnier Micellar Water is a multitasking skin care must have;

Gentle enough for everyday use, micellar water removes makeup and dirt without drying


Self-care For Moms: Revamp Your Wardrobe

After my son was born, I told myself that I wasn’t going to buy any new clothes until I had lost all of the baby weight and could fit back into my regular clothing.

I wish I hadn’t done this because I was so miserable, especially during the summer. I didn’t want to leave the house because I didn’t have any cute summery clothes to wear, and I found that I was constantly in a crappy mood because of this.

I urge all mamas to buy clothing that they feel comfortable and happy in. I should have gone shopping for some cute summer outfits because I can always use them again for my next pregnancy or even donate if I don’t need them anymore. If it makes you feel happy then go for it.

When you look good you feel good. Buy the clothes if you know it’ll make you feel better and put you in a happier mood.

Self-care For Moms: Spend Time With Friends

Don’t neglect quality time with your friends when you’re a mom. Sometimes moms need a break too, and what better way than to hang out with your girlfriends.

Go for lunch, the spa, shopping, or even to the movies. Getting out of the house and having quality time with good friends is the best self-care.

Just because you’re a mom doesn’t mean that your life is over and you can’t have any fun. Don’t dictate your life around being a mother.

Being a mom is one of the important roles that you play, but so is being a friend, a wife, a sister etc..

I try to have some time with friends at least a few times a month to keep my sanity in check. Having this time allows me to be a better mother because I’m able to recharge and let loose.

Self-care For Moms: Find a New Hobby

Whether it’s learning how to cook or learning how to sew, picking up a new and fun hobby is a great way to make self-care a priority as a mother. 

As mothers, we tend to create a life where we are so busy with our kids that we can’t make time for ourselves and do the things we love to do.

There are so many hobbies you can pick up, and you don’t need to only have one.

For myself, I found that blogging and writing was my outlet. By creating my blog, I’ve been able to put my extra time into something that I’m passionate about.

It gives me a purpose and allows me to use my extra time by doing something that I love.

Since I’ve gotten into blogging, photography has also become one of my hobbies and passions as well.

When I have the downtime I love reading up tips and tricks to become a better photographer.

Self-care For Moms: Drop Kids off at Family or Friends House for a Few Hours

I do this often as it allows me to have time to myself to either relax or get things done. My husband and I drop off our son to his grandparent’s house a couple of times a week so we can have a few hours to ourselves. This gives us time to relax and unwind and if we have errands to run, we can get them done faster.

It’s so important to get your kids familiarized with family so that you have that option to drop them off and have that time for yourself. It’s been such a big help for us since my son was born. We’ve even left him overnight for a few nights for a much-needed mini-vacation.

My advice is to leave your kids early on with family and friends that you trust so that when you do need that time to yourself, your children won’t give you a hard time for leaving them with someone else.


I don’t want to define myself just as a mother because I am more than that. I have to remind myself of the life I had before I was a mother.

I never want to lose myself and I still want to make my self-care a priority as well. If I’m not happy and not taking care of myself, how can I take care of my children and family?

I have come to realize that If I am in a happy and good place in my life, I can create that same life for my family.

Being a mother has been my biggest blessing. I am proud of who I am and that I haven’t let motherhood take over my life. I am still the same person I was before I had a baby.

I take care of my body and soul, and I enjoy things other than being a mother. Life is all about balance.

What are your favourite things to do to make self-care a priority as a mother? Comment below

  • Munal Dai
    June 23, 2020 at 5:58 pm

    Very well written article. Thank you

    June 23, 2020 at 6:30 pm

    good, practical tips.
    thanks for sharing!

  • Keona
    June 24, 2020 at 12:53 am

    This is great information and really close to mu niche.

  • Haus Deco Chic
    June 25, 2020 at 10:52 am

    Such a great read…a lot of good tips!

  • Angelika Arroyo
    June 27, 2020 at 9:11 pm

    Great advice! Staying active is very crucial to a speedy recovery,