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“Earth Day for Kids: 16 Exciting and Educational Activities to Celebrate

April 16, 2023

Earth Day for kids can be an exciting day, where they learn all about taking care of the earth and environmental awareness. Earth Day is a global event that is celebrated annually on April 22nd to promote environmental awareness and encourage people to take action towards protecting our planet. 

Why do we celebrate Earth day for Kids?

We celebrate Earth Day to raise awareness and appreciation for our planet’s natural environment and the importance of protecting it. The first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970, and was organized by Gaylord Nelson, a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, as a way to bring attention to environmental issues and promote environmental protection.

We celebrate Earth Day for kids to help them learn about the importance of taking care of the planet and to encourage them to become environmentally responsible citizens. Children are the future stewards of our planet, and it is important to teach them about the environment and how their actions can have an impact on it.

Through various educational activities and events, Earth Day for kids can help promote environmental awareness and encourage children to think critically about the challenges facing the planet and their role in creating a more sustainable future. It is a chance for children to learn about the wonders of nature and to appreciate the beauty and importance of the natural world.

As parents and educators, it’s important to instill a love and respect for the environment in our children. Earth Day provides a great opportunity to do just that. In this blog post, we’ll share some fun and engaging activities that you can do with your kids to celebrate Earth Day and encourage them to become eco-conscious citizens.


Earth Day For Kids: Why Learning About the Earth is Beneficial For Kids

  1. It promotes environmental awareness: By learning about Earth Day, kids become more aware of the impact of human activities on the environment. They can learn about the importance of conservation, sustainability, and reducing waste, and become more mindful of their own actions and habits.

  2. It fosters a sense of responsibility: Learning about Earth Day can help kids develop a sense of responsibility for the planet and its future. They can learn that their actions have an impact on the environment and that they have a role to play in protecting it.

  3. It promotes critical thinking: When kids learn about Earth Day, they are exposed to complex environmental issues that require critical thinking and problem-solving skills. They can learn to analyze information, weigh different perspectives, and come up with creative solutions to environmental challenges.

  4. It supports academic learning: Learning about Earth Day can complement academic learning in subjects like science, social studies, and language arts. Kids can learn about topics like ecosystems, biodiversity, climate change, and environmental policy, which can enhance their understanding of these subjects.

  5. It encourages civic engagement: By learning about Earth Day, kids can become more engaged in their communities and participate in environmental initiatives like community cleanups, tree plantings, and recycling programs. This can help them develop a sense of civic responsibility and a desire to make a positive impact on their community and the world.


1. Plant a tree

Earth Day for Kids

One of the most effective ways to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change is to plant trees. Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen, making them an important part of our ecosystem. Planting a tree is a great way to teach kids about the importance of trees and the role they play in our environment.

Planting a tree is a great Earth Day activity for kids for several reasons:

  1. Trees are important for the environment: Trees play a vital role in the ecosystem by absorbing carbon dioxide, producing oxygen, and providing habitat and food for wildlife. By planting a tree, kids can contribute to the health of the environment and help combat climate change.

  2. It’s a tangible way to make a difference: Planting a tree is a concrete action that kids can take to make a positive impact on the environment. They can see the tree grow and thrive over time, and feel a sense of accomplishment and pride in their contribution.

  3. It’s a fun and educational activity: Planting a tree can be a fun and educational activity for kids, as they learn about the planting process, the different types of trees, and the benefits of trees for the environment. It can also be an opportunity to spend time outdoors and connect with nature.

2. Clean up a local park or beach

Earth Day for Kids

Littering is a major problem that affects our environment in many ways. Not only does it make our parks and beaches unsightly, but it also harms wildlife and pollutes our waterways. Cleaning up a local park or beach is a great way to teach kids about the importance of keeping our environment clean and healthy.

Cleaning up a local beach or park is another great Earth Day activity for kids, and it offers several benefits:

  1. It helps keep the environment clean: By picking up litter and debris from a local beach or park, kids can help keep the environment clean and prevent pollution. They can learn about the harmful effects of litter on the environment and wildlife, and how they can help reduce it.

  2. It promotes teamwork and cooperation: Cleaning up a local beach or park can be a group activity that requires teamwork and cooperation. Kids can work together to collect and dispose of litter, and learn about the importance of working together to achieve a common goal.

  3. It encourages community involvement: Cleaning up a local beach or park can be a community-building activity that brings people together for a common cause. Kids can participate in community clean-up events or organize their own clean-up project with friends and family.

3. Make a bird feeder

Earth Day for Kids

Birds play an important role in our ecosystem by pollinating plants and controlling insect populations. Making a bird feeder is a great way to attract birds to your yard and teach kids about the importance of these feathered friends.

You can make a simple bird feeder using a pine cone, peanut butter, and birdseed. Check out this Post on 12 DIY Bird Feeders!

Making a bird feeder is another great Earth Day activity for kids, and it offers several benefits:

  1. It provides food for birds: By making a bird feeder, kids can provide food for birds in their local environment. This can help support the local bird population and contribute to the health of the ecosystem.

  2. It teaches about wildlife: Making a bird feeder can be a fun and educational activity for kids, as they learn about the different types of birds in their area, their feeding habits, and their role in the environment. It can also be an opportunity to observe birds in their natural habitat and learn about their behavior.

  3. It promotes creativity: Making a bird feeder can be a creative activity that allows kids to express their artistic side. They can design and decorate the bird feeder in a way that reflects their personality and style.

4. Start a compost bin

Earth Day for Kids

Composting is a great way to reduce waste and create nutrient-rich soil for your garden. Starting a compost bin is a fun and easy activity that kids can participate in.

You can start a compost bin in your backyard using a plastic bin or a wooden crate. Add food scraps, grass clippings, and other organic matter to the bin and then mix it with a pitchfork or shovel. Explain to your kids how composting works and how it benefits the environment.

Starting a compost bin is another great Earth Day activity for kids, and it offers several benefits:

  1. Reduces waste: Composting helps to reduce the amount of waste that goes into landfills. When organic materials are composted, they are diverted from the waste stream and used to create a valuable soil amendment.

  2. Provides a hands-on learning experience: Composting is a hands-on activity that allows kids to engage with the natural world and learn about the science behind decomposition.

  3. Creates a connection to nature: By composting, kids can develop a deeper connection to nature and learn about the interconnectedness of all living things

5. Make a recycled craft

Earth Day for Kids

Recycling is an important part of protecting the environment. It helps to conserve natural resources, reduce waste, and prevent pollution. Making a recycled craft is a great way to teach kids about the importance of recycling and how to repurpose everyday items.

You can make a variety of crafts using recycled materials such as egg cartons, toilet paper rolls, and cardboard boxes. You can make a birdhouse out of a milk carton, a wind chime out of bottle caps, or a robot out of old electronic devices. Encourage your kids to get creative and come up with their own recycled craft ideas.

Check out these 30 Recycled Crafts for Kids.

Here are some reasons why making a recycled craft is a great Earth Day activity for kids:

6. Take a nature hike

Earth Day for Kids

Getting outside and exploring nature is a great way to appreciate the beauty and wonder of our planet. Taking a nature hike is a fun and educational activity that kids of all ages can enjoy.

Find a local park or nature trail and take a hike with your kids. Encourage them to observe the plants, animals, and other natural features of the environment. You can also use this opportunity to talk to your kids about the importance of protecting our natural habitats.

Check out this post on 13 Nature Walk Ideas for Kids with free scavenger hunt printables.

Here are some reasons why going on a nature hike is a great Earth Day activity for kids:

  1. Encourages appreciation for nature: Going on a nature hike helps kids appreciate the beauty and diversity of the natural world. It can also inspire them to learn more about the environment and how to protect it.

  2. Supports mental health: Spending time in nature has been shown to have a positive impact on mental health. Going on a nature hike can help kids feel more relaxed, reduce stress, and improve their mood.

  3. Encourages conservation: A nature hike can help kids develop a sense of responsibility for the environment. It can inspire them to take action to protect nature and reduce their impact on the planet.

7. Watch a nature documentary

Earth Day for Kids

Watching a nature documentary is a great way to learn about the different ecosystems and habitats that exist around the world. It can also help to raise awareness about the importance of protecting these environments.

Choose a nature documentary that is appropriate for your child’s age and interests. Sit down and watch it together, and then discuss what you learned. Encourage your kids to think about what they can do to help protect the environment and make a positive impact on the world.

Here is one of our favourite nature documentaries. You can find similar ones on YouTube!

Here are some reasons why watching a nature documentary is a great Earth Day activity for kids:

  1. Provides an educational experience: Nature documentaries can be a great way for kids to learn about different ecosystems, habitats, and animal behavior. They can also learn about the challenges that wildlife face and the importance of conservation.
  2. Encourages empathy and respect for animals: Watching a nature documentary can help kids develop empathy and respect for animals. By learning about the lives and behaviors of animals, kids can gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for them.
  3. Supports critical thinking skills: Nature documentaries often present complex information and concepts, which can help kids develop critical thinking skills as they analyze and interpret the information presented.

8. Learn about endangered species

There are many species of plants and animals that are endangered or at risk of extinction due to human activities such as habitat destruction and climate change. Learning about these species can help to raise awareness about the importance of protecting our environment.

Choose an endangered species and research it together with your kids. Discuss the reasons why the species is endangered and what can be done to help protect it. You can also encourage your kids to write a letter or draw a picture to raise awareness about the species and its plight.

You can also read books to your kids on endangered species. Here are some of our favourites:

Here are some reasons why learning about endangered species is a great Earth Day activity for kids:

  1. Raises awareness: Learning about endangered species can raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity and the impact that human activities can have on wildlife populations.

  2. Encourages empathy and respect for animals: By learning about endangered species, kids can develop empathy and respect for animals and understand the importance of protecting their habitats.

  3. Provides an opportunity for research and learning: Learning about endangered species provides an opportunity for kids to conduct research and learn about different animals, their habitats, and the threats they face.

9. Turn off the lights

Energy conservation is an important part of protecting the environment. Turning off the lights when they are not needed is a simple but effective way to save energy and reduce your carbon footprint.

Make a game out of turning off the lights in your house. Encourage your kids to turn off the lights in the rooms that they are not using and to be mindful of their energy usage. You can also talk to your kids about the importance of using energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances.

  1. Reduces energy consumption: Turning off the lights when they are not needed can help reduce energy consumption and save money on electricity bills.

  2. Reduces greenhouse gas emissions: Using less energy means less greenhouse gas emissions, which can help reduce the impact of climate change.

  3. Teaches kids about energy conservation: Turning off the lights can be a simple way to teach kids about energy conservation and the importance of reducing energy consumption.

10. Make a pledge to protect the environment

Encourage your kids to make a pledge to protect the environment and make a positive impact on the world. This can be a fun and empowering activity that can inspire your kids to take action towards protecting our planet.

Sit down with your kids and discuss what they can do to make a positive impact on the environment. Encourage them to come up with their own ideas and then help them create a pledge. Hang the pledge up in a visible location and encourage your kids to refer to it often as a reminder of their commitment to protecting the environment.

Here are some reasons why making a pledge is a great Earth Day activity for kids:

  1. Encourages personal responsibility: Making a pledge to protect the environment encourages kids to take personal responsibility for their actions and the impact they have on the environment.

  2. Raises awareness: Making a pledge can help raise awareness about environmental issues and the importance of taking action to protect the planet.

  3. Inspires action: Making a pledge can inspire kids to take action to reduce their impact on the environment and encourage others to do the same.

11. Upcycle old clothes

Instead of throwing away old clothes, encourage your kids to upcycle them into something new and useful. For example, they could turn an old t-shirt into a reusable shopping bag or a pair of jeans into a plant holder.

Here are some reasons why upcycling old clothes is a great Earth Day activity for kids:

  1. Promotes sustainable fashion: Upcycling old clothes promotes sustainable fashion by giving new life to old items and reducing the demand for new clothing.

  2. Reduces waste: Upcycling old clothes helps reduce waste by keeping items out of landfills and extending their useful life.

  3. Encourages creativity: Upcycling old clothes can be a creative and fun activity for kids that encourages them to think outside the box and use their imagination.

12. Take a bike ride

Taking a bike ride is a fun and eco-friendly way to explore your neighborhood or local park. Keep the car parked and use your bike for the day. It’s also a great way to get some exercise and fresh air while reducing your carbon footprint.

Here are some reasons why taking a bike ride is a great Earth Day activity for kids:

  1. Promotes physical activity: Taking a bike ride is a great way for kids to get exercise and stay active, which is important for their physical health and well-being.

  2. Reduces greenhouse gas emissions: Biking is a low-carbon transportation option that produces zero greenhouse gas emissions, which can help reduce the impact of climate change.

  3. Encourages exploration: Taking a bike ride can be a fun and exciting way for kids to explore their neighborhood, city, or nearby trails and parks.

13. Create a Zero-Waste Lunch

Earth Day for Kids

Teach your kids about the importance of reducing waste by creating a zero-waste lunch. Pack their lunch in reusable containers, use cloth napkins instead of paper, and skip the disposable plastic utensils. You can also make homemade snacks instead of buying pre-packaged items.

Here are some reasons why creating a zero-waste lunch is a great Earth Day activity for kids:

  1. Reduces waste: Creating a zero-waste lunch can help reduce waste by eliminating single-use packaging and utensils.

  2. Promotes sustainable habits: Creating a zero-waste lunch promotes sustainable habits, such as using reusable containers, utensils, and water bottles.

  3. Teaches responsibility: Creating a zero-waste lunch teaches kids responsibility for their waste and encourages them to make sustainable choices.

14. Start a garden

Earth Day for Kids

Starting a garden is a fun and educational way for kids to learn about where their food comes from and the importance of sustainable agriculture. You can start with a small container garden or planter box and grow herbs, vegetables, or flowers.

Here are some reasons why starting a garden is a great Earth Day activity for kids:

  1. Promotes sustainability: Starting a garden promotes sustainability by providing a source of fresh produce, reducing the carbon footprint associated with transporting food, and creating a habitat for pollinators and other wildlife.

  2. Encourages healthy eating: Starting a garden encourages healthy eating by providing access to fresh fruits and vegetables, which are important for a balanced diet.

  3. Provides outdoor learning opportunities: Starting a garden provides an opportunity for kids to learn about plant growth, soil health, and the role of pollinators in the environment.

15. Learn about sustainable energy

Teach your kids about renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydro power. Watch educational videos or read books on the subject and discuss how these sources can help reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.

Check out this blog post What is Sustainable Energy and Why we Need More of It, to learn more about sustainable energy.

Here are some reasons why learning about sustainable energy is a great Earth Day activity for kids:

  1. Promotes environmental stewardship: Learning about sustainable energy promotes environmental stewardship by encouraging kids to take action to reduce their impact on the environment.

  2. Encourages critical thinking: Learning about sustainable energy encourages critical thinking by exploring the benefits and drawbacks of different renewable energy sources.

  3. Fosters scientific curiosity: Learning about sustainable energy fosters scientific curiosity by exploring the science behind renewable energy sources and how they work.

16. Host a nature-themed movie night

Host a family movie night with nature-themed movies like “WALL-E,” “The Lorax,” or “A Plastic Ocean.” This is a great way to teach kids about environmental issues in a fun and engaging way.

Check out this post 21 Best Kids Movies About Nature.

Here are some reasons why hosting a nature-themed movie night is a great Earth Day activity for kids:

  1. Raises awareness: Hosting a nature-themed movie night raises awareness of environmental issues and the importance of conservation.

  2. Provides entertainment and education: Hosting a nature-themed movie night provides entertainment and education for kids, as they watch movies that are both fun and informative.

  3. Encourages discussion: Hosting a nature-themed movie night encourages discussion among kids, as they reflect on the movies they’ve watched and share their thoughts and opinions.

Earth Day is a great opportunity to teach kids about the importance of environmental conservation and sustainability. By participating in fun and educational activities, children can learn to appreciate and respect the natural world around them, while also gaining valuable knowledge and skills that will help them become responsible global citizens. 

Earth Day activities can help children develop a sense of environmental responsibility and empower them to make positive changes in their communities. By celebrating Earth Day with your kids, you’re not only having fun, but also helping to create a brighter future for our planet.

What ways do you like to celebrate Earth Day with your kids? Drop a comment below!