Social distancing, the word we’ve been hearing far too often these days. Due to COVID-19 aka the Corona Virus, were asked to stay indoors to flatten the curve and not spread the virus to others.
It’s pretty scary how fast this virus has spread around the world and how hard places like China, Italy, the UK, and now the US has been hit. This is not a joke, it’s serious and we need to comply in order for things to get back to normal.
I live in Vancouver and only recently have people really been listening to the social distancing orders. I understand the weather is getting better, and we want to spend time with our friends and family.
But if we don’t listen and practice social distancing now, our hospitals are going to see such an influx of people they’re not going to have enough equipment or doctors to help all the people who are sick.
It’s up to us as a human race to take care of each other and flatten the curve by practicing social distancing. I mean how hard is it to stay home.
There are endless ideas as to what you can do to help the time pass. I’m sick & tired of hearing how bored people are at home when there are so many things you could be doing with your time.
So if you’ve found yourself bored with nothing to do, take a look at my 9 interesting things to do while social distancing.
**By the way, this post may contain affiliate links at no extra cost to you. I only list products that I love and have used myself. Thank you!**
Staying active is so important not just to lose weight but to also be more strong and clear-minded. Instead of sitting on the couch and watching TV all day, make exercise your daily routine.
You can go outside for a run (of course while practicing social distance), you can go for a walk, or even just come up with your own routine in the house.
You don’t need any fancy equipment at all. I’ve personally been watching YouTube videos and using weights at home.
YouTube has such awesome videos and so much selection to choose from based on what your fitness level is and what part of your body you want to target.
I’ve been incorporating at least an hour a day of exercise and I’ve never felt better. My favorite YouTube videos are by Jeanette Jenkins who is a Hollywood trainer for stars such as Pink! and Alicia Keys.
Her workouts are intense and usually targets the entire body, this one is my personal favorite.
Who doesn’t love a spa day? I purchased a few items off Amazon such as this Indian clay mask, under-eye masks for dark circles, and a manicure set.
I also have a Clarisonic (which I can’t live without) to help buff away the dead skin on my face. I use this every other day as I do have sensitive skin, and it makes my skin so soft and smooth.
**Quick tip** before using anything on your face such as toners, masks, and creams, steam your face before opening up your pores. I know that sounds a little terrifying but it’s pretty easy. Just boil some water and put your face over the steam (I promise it doesn’t hurt). Do this for 15 minutes before starting any treatment on your face.
At the end of your spa day run yourself a nice bath, have a glass of wine and unwind.
How many times have you wanted to start something new and didn’t have the time for it? Now with all of the social distancing in place, this is the perfect time to come up with a new hobby.
You can learn an instrument, learn to bake/cook, learn how to dance, learn how to knit/sew. The possibilities are endless!
For myself, I realllly want to learn to play the piano. I played the clarinet in elementary school because there wasn’t an option to play the piano which sucked big time.
I really want my son to learn how to play the piano as well, so why not teach myself first?
If music isn’t your thing, there are so many other things you can try, see my list below.
- Cooking
- Knitting
- Crocheting
- Sewing
- Learn a new sport
- Photography
- Dance
- Painting
- Scrapbooking
I love cooking and baking so I’m super excited that I get a lot of time to create some new recipes.
There are so many cooking/baking resources on the internet, my favorite is Google because you can see the reviews from other people and they often comment at what you should add or take out, or why the recipe didn’t work for them.
Pinterest is also a good source as well, but I do prefer Google for being able to view the reviews easier.
Be creative in the kitchen and make something that you never thought you would be able to make. Whip up something from another culture (my favorite is Thai).
I’ve also been making a lot of new recipes for my son. I wanted to spice things up so I looked online for a lot of fun and new recipes for kids. Here a good article from the Bump that includes a lot of different and fun recipes you can make your toddler (I’d even eat these myself!).
So if you have babies or kids, try making them something they’ve never had before.
It’s spring and you know what that means? Spring cleaning! I love a neat and tidy house, but let’s be realistic, it’s so hard to be completely organized on a daily basis.
With taking care of a one-year-old, making meals, laundry, and cleaning it’s hard to have every house and closet in the house organized to a tee.
This is the perfect opportunity to go into every room and make sure that everything is in its place and orderly. Here’s a list of things you can organize in your house.
- Your bedroom – organize your dresser and throw away anything that you no longer need (I always have random things in my drawer and try to clean it out at least once a month). Sort out your clothing and donate anything that you don’t need. Other than staple pieces that I know will never go out of style or will come back in style, I always donate pieces that I haven’t worn in the last 3 years. Clean your washroom from top to bottom and sort out and organize all of the drawers.
- Kids Bedroom – Organize their toys and clothing. Donate or put away anything that doesn’t fit them anymore
- Kids playroom – Sanitize all toys and donate toys that your child(ren) no longer plays with (teach them the importance of donating). My son is only a year old but I know that before I buy him new toys he has to donate his old ones.
- Kitchen – organize all drawers and cupboards. Throw away any expired food or baking goods that are in your fridge or pantry. Clean the burners and wipe down all cabinets and the fridge. Completely empty out your fridge and disinfect it while wiping down any spillage.
- Guest Washroom – Clean toilets, sinks, mirrors, and cupboards. Remove any towels and put them in the wash, replace all towels.
- Closets – my biggest problem is my closets. I always find they end up having random things in there, and even when I try to organize it becomes a mess a week later. This week I’ve organized all of my closets and threw away anything that wasn’t needed or that I was hoarding for no reason.
Sweep, mop, and dust the entire house (and don’t forget those baseboards!).
There’s something about DIY projects that makes me feel so accomplished. It’s like you can turn any little thing around the house into a masterpiece. I always see people turning garage sale bookshelves into beautiful pieces for their homes.
Check out Pinterest for some ideas at DIY projects for your house. There are so many ideas out there and a lot of the times you can find things that you already have in the house.
If you need any supplies, I’d recommend getting them through Amazon (because you know, we are social distancing at the moment, god bless you Amazon).
I’ve loved reading ever since I was a little girl, and I always make excuses that I don’t have the time to read.
Well, I don’t have any excuses now. Reading is so therapeutic to me, sometimes I can read all day if it’s a really good book, and I have to force myself to put the book down.
If you don’t have any books at home, you can always purchase them online through Audible, Amazon, or your App Store on your phone.
You can also listen to podcasts which are an episodic series of digital audio files that you can download and listen to on your phone.
There are hundreds and thousands of podcasts out there to listen to while social distancing. Some are educational, some are just plain fun. Find which ones you’re most interested in (my favorite ones are true crime).
The best part about social distancing is getting to spend more time with my husband. He’s off work right now and I am so grateful and happy that we have this time together with our son.
We’ve managed to create an awesome routine and I love having him at home during the weekdays.
We workout together, cook together and started watching a couple of shows in the evening. Were also trying to help our son learn how to walk, which has been quite the task, but I love that we can both do it together and he isn’t missing out while he’s at work.
We’ve been playing a lot of board games, card games, and just spending quality time that we would have been missing out on if he was at work.
Soak this time in with family as much as you can. This time is bittersweet.

Open laptop on the desk with a title online study on the screen. Education concept photo, view over the shoulder, close-up
Udemy is an online learning and teaching marketplace where you can learn so many different things about so many different topics.
I’ve actually taken a few courses on Udemy on blogging techniques and website design. Each course has reviews from fellow students so you can see if it’s the right fit for you.
There are thousands of online courses with subjects ranging from marketing, business, IT and software, photography, personal development, etc..
They even offer free classes as well for those of you who don’t want to spend money during this time. You can never learn too much, and I think it’s important that during this time we expand our minds and continue learning.
This is by far my favorite thing do while social distancing because once you finish a course you can sign up for another one, you can never learn too much.
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So before you say you’re bored with nothing to do, take a look again at my 9 interesting things to do while social distancing.
I know this has been a tough time while practicing social distancing. We miss our family and friends and our regular lives and routines.
The world needs a break. We need a break. Our mind and body need replenishing as does Mother Earth. Instead of feeling sad and anxious, I’m trying to remind myself every day that we all need this time to rejuvenate, stay healthy, remain positive, and work on ourselves.
There are unlimited possibilities at what you can do while practicing social distancing. Don’t be one of those people that are constantly bored. We have 24 hours in a day. Make the best of this time. Count your blessings and be thankful and grateful for your health.
Stay safe, God bless & keep practicing social distancing.
What are your favorite things to do while social distancing? Comment Below.
Want to Start Losing Postpartum Weight? You Need to Read This First! - Milan's Mama
April 18, 2020 at 2:42 pm[…] workouts are HIIT, weights, and YouTube videos by Jeanette Jenkins. I mentioned her in another post of mine as well, she’s awesome and there are so many different variations on YouTube so you can pick […]
April 28, 2020 at 11:22 pmI love these ideas! Thanks for sharing!