
Saving Money in 2022 – 9 Guaranteed Tips

January 19, 2021

Are you looking to start saving money in 2022?

Do you know what one of the hardest things for me to do was? Saving money. Saving money is freaking hard. I’m the type of girl who loves shopping, fashion, the newest gadgets, entertainment, and just having a good time.

I love spending money (sometimes a little too much). It had gotten to a point where all my paychecks were going towards paying off my credit cards and having no money left for savings. A few years ago I really had to buckle down and come up with a plan, that would still allow me to have fun but in a more mindful way. Right before I got married which was in 2016, I knew that I needed to think of better ways to manage my money and start saving not only for myself but for my growing family as well.

My husband is great at saving and managing money, and I really needed to get on his level and find ways that I knew would work for me to help me put some money away each month. Let me tell you how great of a feeling it is to see the numbers in your savings account that you’ve never seen before. It just makes you want to keep saving more.

I didn’t want to deprive myself of the things that I love however, I needed to teach myself how to be more mindful and how to really

So here goes, my 11 easy ways to start saving money in 2022. Trust me, if I can do it, so can you.


1. Say No, and Transfer That Money Into a Savings Account to Save Money in 2022

saving money in 2021


Let’s say you see your favorite YouTube influencer raving about the latest eye shadow palette and say you HAVE to get your hands on it. Trust me, I’ve been in that position so many times before, and have bought products that my favorite influencer has recommended on a whim. Did I need it? Nope.

When saving money became a priority to me, I quickly shifted my mindset to try and save whenever possible and say no to the things that weren’t important.

What I started doing was saying no to things that weren’t necessary and transferring that money from my chequing account into a savings account. My savings account grew considerably over a short period of time because of this.

The reason I put this as my first tip, is because it’s my favorite and the most fun. I don’t know how many times a day I’d say no to something and transfer that money into savings.

Try it out, you’ll be surprised at how fast your account grows monthly.


2. Use Cashback Apps like Rakuten to Save Money in 2022

Save Money in 2021

saving money in 2022 can definitely happen with Rakuten.  I cannot stress enough how amazing these apps are! All you need to do is log in to your Rakuten app and shop directly from their app.

What is Rakuten? It’s a cashback app that lets you save money while you shop at your favorite stores.  You will be able to view the cashback rate beforehand to see how much you will get back. Usually, it’s in percentage (mainly 1%-10% but it can be higher at times), or they’ll give you a certain amount of dollars off the final cost. I recently bought a new bedroom suite from Hudson’s Bay that was on sale (I believe around $100 off), and on top of that, I got $50 back by shopping from the Rakuten App.

I also recently purchased a Breville Barista Pro coffee machine, which was also $100 off and I used Rakuten and got $80 back.

They have so many stores that they work with like Amazon, Gap, Old Navy, Indigo, Staples and so much more. Every 3 months they’ll either mail you a cheque or send you the money directly to your PayPal account.  In total, I’ve received $500 from Rakuten, just by shopping from their App. And the best part is that it’s totally free!

It’s totally free to sign up. If you use my link you’ll get $5 added to your cashback balance on any purchase.


3. Shop your own closet

I’m a shopaholic, I love fashion and I’m always looking for the next trendy piece from my favorite stores. I started noticing that I had so many of the same pieces that I had to sit myself down and ask myself if my 5th pair of black jeans was really necessary. So one day I went into my closet, and I started coming up with different outfits with the pieces of clothing that I already had.

I went to Pinterest for inspo and came up with dozens of outfit ideas for different occasions. That really helped me decide whether or not I really needed that shirt or pair of pants, and I still continue to do that now when I’m in that spending mood.

So want to save money in 2022? Shop your own closet, and take the time to curate outfits that you already have.

4. Plan Your Meals And Buy Groceries For the Entire Week to Save Money in 2021

Saving Money in 2021Saving Money in 2021How many of you plan your dinners the day of and then by the time it’s time to make dinner, you’re like nahhh I’ll just order Uber Eats instead? This was me.

I would get overwhelmed at what to make for dinner, and scroll through Pinterest like a mad lady trying to find the best healthy and tasty dinner.

Let me tell you, scrolling through Pinterest when you’re in a rush is not fun AT ALL. It’s so overwhelming. What I’ve started to do is take about 30 minutes during the weekday and coming up with a menu for the coming week.

I’ll then get grocery delivery set to Sunday afternoon so that all of the groceries we need for the week are delivered to our door on Sunday.

This has made it so easy not only to save but to lose my baby weight too. Nothing is better than a home-cooked, healthy meal.


5. Unsubscribe from Emails to Save Money in 2022


I don’t know about you, but I get hundreds of emails from all my favorite stores daily.

I would aimlessly scroll through my email, looking for the best deals even if I truly didn’t need anything at that moment. This started to become a really horrible habit of mine, so I decided to unsubscribe from these emails so that they’d stop popping up on my phone.

This probably took me around 30 min to do and has honestly, I think it has saved me hundreds of dollars.

6. Want to Save Money in 2022? Sell Things You no Longer Need and Put That Money Into Savings


I try to do this at least twice a year. What I do is gather all of the items I don’t need anymore whether it’s clothes, shoes or any household items. I then post it on Facebook Marketplace, and honestly, people buy anything.

Be ready to negotiate, but not too low.

I’ve sold shoes, clothing, old electronics, old dishes and so much more.

So do a big purge of the unnecessary things that are bringing clutter into your life, and list them on Facebook Marketplace.


7. Ask Stores to Price Match and Put The Money You Saved Into a Savings Account

Save Money in 2021

Believe it or not, most if not all stores will price match even if they don’t announce that they do. Just simply find the product on a website that offers it for cheaper, and let the person working at the til know that you’ve found that product at another store for cheaper.

Stores would rather sell you a product for less than not receive your money at all, so always try to look for the same product for less, and ask if the store can price match.

I also mentioned this tip in my blog post 9 Genius Tips For Saving Money on Toys.

I’ve done this many times, even if the store doesn’t say that they price match. This has worked for me 90% of the time.

Once I purchase the product, I put whatever money I saved into my savings account. So if you keep this strategy up, saving money in 2022 will be a breeze.


8. Rethink your Gym Membership to Save Money in 2022

I was paying over $150 at Orange Theory for a little over 1 year. And although it really helped with my weight loss journey, It was just getting way too expensive for me.

I canceled my membership and started doing workout videos online and taking advantage of my makeshift home gym. There are so many free workout videos on YouTube that are better than working out at a gym.

My favorite YouTube workouts are by Jeanette Jenkins. Her videos are insane and you get such a killer workout. I don’t think that I’d ever buy a gym membership again.

9. Stop Trying to Keep up with the Kardashians to Save Money in 2022

saving money in 2021

If you can’t afford it, don’t buy it. I don’t understand our culture these days and why we think we need to have the next best Gucci bag or the shoes that Kim Kardashian is wearing.

Don’t get me wrong, I too want all the purses and shoes in the world, but I’m not going to go into debt buying them. I will splurge on a designer item from time to time, but I don’t make it a continuous habit.

Saving money in 2022 to invest in properties or stocks is a way better idea than spending it on materialistic items that will only give you temporary happiness.

We don’t need to impress anyone but ourselves. Don’t go into debt trying to impress other people, trust me, it’s not worth it.


So here you go, my favorite and foolproof tips on saving money in 2022. Think about your long-term goals and start to make saving money a habit.

I’m so proud of myself for being able to save and think about things that are more important than materialistic crap that’ll only make me happy for a short time.

And like I mentioned earlier, If I can do it so can you!

Happy saving!

What are some of your favorite money-saving tips? Drop a comment below.





  • lydiamakeyourlifebeautiful
    January 23, 2021 at 7:34 pm

    Great post! I stopped trying to keep up with Kardashian’s a long time ago – and I’m sure it’s helped my bank account haha! Also meal planning and writing a grocery list are both really impactful ways I save money! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  • Megan
    February 5, 2021 at 12:20 pm

    Love this post! I always need a reminder to shop my closet instead of online shopping

  • Sara
    February 6, 2021 at 7:41 am

    Great info!!

  • Tanya
    February 7, 2021 at 1:23 am

    These are great tips! I unsubscribed from several emails to avoid buying stuff I really don’t need.

  • Kim morris
    February 7, 2021 at 5:21 am

    Great ideas and tips!! I’ll be trying number 1 definitely

  • 9 Genius Tips For Saving Money on Toys - Milan's Mama
    February 15, 2021 at 9:17 pm

    […] If you need some more money-saving tips, make sure to read my blog post 9 Guaranteed Money-Saving Tips to try in 2021. […]