You’re here because you’re wondering what to do when you find out you’re pregnant.
Your first question is probably, I’m pregnant now what?
Well first of all congratulations Mama!
There are so many things to do when you find out you’re pregnant. Maybe it was planned, or maybe it came as a surprise (mine sure did!).
There are so many things you need to do when you find out you’re pregnant, but where do you start?
Pregnancy is truly is a life-changing moment, especially with all of the changes you’re going to encounter in the next 9 months. From watching what you eat, to exercising, to looking for childcare, my list has you covered.
Here is a list of 20 things you need to do when you find out you’re pregnant. This list will help to ensure that your first trimester and beyond, goes as smoothly as possible.
**By the way, this post may contain affiliate links at no extra cost to you. I only list products that I love and have used myself. Thank you!**
1. What to do When You Find Out You’re Pregnant?: Stay Active
When I mean stay active, I mean it. If you don’t feel comfortable going to the gym, then go for long walks every day to keep your body in check.
Check your local gym for personal training sessions catered to expectant mothers, if that’s something you’re interested in.
Find fitness videos on YouTube that cater to pregnant women, and do them in the comfort of your own home.
Here is one of my favorite workouts on YouTube for pregnant women.
I know it can be tough to get up and move around especially when you’re so and nauseous all the time.
Even a little bit will go a long way. Staying active is definitely something you need to do when you find out you’re pregnant.
Staying active also ensures a smoother labor and delivery. So keep on moving!
2. What to do When You Find Out You’re Pregnant?: Research Safe Pregnancy Workout Routines
Not all workouts and exercises are safe when you’re pregnant.
Researching safe pregnancy workout routines is a smart thing to do when you find out you’re pregnant.
I love Oxygen Yoga, which is the same concept as Bikrams Yoga, except they incorporate fitness and cardio workouts.
I had to stop this when I found out I was pregnant because it’s unsafe for pregnant women (the heat is not healthy for baby).
Stay clear of jumping jacks, or anything where you have to jump.
Sit-ups are also a big no-no as well. Check out this guide for a full list of what exercises to stay away from when you’re pregnant.
3. What to do When You Find Out You’re Pregnant?: Take a Prenatal Vitamin
Another thing to do when you find out you’re pregnant is taking prenatal vitamins. Parental vitamins ensure that you and baby are getting the sufficient nutrients that you both need to ensure a smooth pregnancy with no complications during and after birth.
Make sure you take one’s that have folic acid, it helps decrease the chances of your baby having spinal cord issues such as spina bifida. I took these throughout my entire pregnancy, and even after, since they’re great to take while you’re breastfeeding as well.
Remember, do not eat these on an empty stomach, they do make you nauseous, so please eat before you take them. If you still find they are making you nauseous, then take them before you go to bed.
Centrum Prenatal + DHA
Specially formulated for women before, during, and after pregnancy, Centrum Prenatal+DHA combines a prenatal multivitamin tablet with a small softgel of DHA and EPA omega-3 fatty acids.
- 23 essential vitamins and minerals including folic acid, iron, calcium, vitamin B, and vitamin D
- helps prevent neural tube defects
- Multiple Health Benefits for You and Your Baby
4. What to do When You Find Out You’re Pregnant?: Take an Online Prenatal Class
I mentioned this in another post of mine “12 Genius Pregnancy Hacks to Make Life Easier.” There are so many prenatal classes out there that cost an arm and a leg.
I didn’t want to pay money for a class, considering how much money we would be spending on other baby-related items.
I also heard from a few friends of mine that it’s not worth the price for prenatal classes. My husband and I watched Holliday Tyson’s prenatal class on YouTube, and we loved it!
If this is something you’re interested in, it might be a smart thing to do when you find out you’re pregnant.
It’s a 3-part series which includes all of the important things required to know during pregnancy and labor such as, pain management, labor positions, pushing tips, and more.
Honestly, half the stuff you won’t even remember when baby comes, so it’s better to learn from a video that you can go back to and watch over again if you forget something.
5. What to do When You Find Out You’re Pregnant?: Choose Your Healthcare Provider
You’re probably wondering when should you see a doctor when you find out you’re pregnant?
Are you thinking about using a midwife? Or an Obgyn? We’re lucky that we can choose the option that best suited our needs.
I chose the Midwife route and I loved it. I’m sure both ways are equally great experiences. If you have a high-risk pregnancy, it is advised that you go with an Obgyn, but for me I was low risk, so I went the midwife option.
I went with the Midwifery Group in Vancouver. I had 4 midwives who I saw throughout my pregnancy, and one of them would be with me while I was in labor, up until I delivered.
They even came to my house while I was in labor, and also came to my house once a week until I was 6 weeks postpartum.
I have nothing but positive things to say about my experience.
Click here to learn more information on the differences between obgyn’s and midwives.
6. What to do When You Find Out You’re Pregnant?: Cut Certain Foods out of Your Diet
Cutting out certain foods and understanding which foods those are, is an important thing to do when you find out you’re pregnant.
It’s important to understand what foods you need to cut out of your diet to ensure a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.
I was on top of this because I love food (who doesn’t?) and I wanted to make sure my son was born without any complications.
A few foods that you must cut out of your diet when you find out you’re pregnant include:
- Deli Meats due to possible listeria
- Sushi and raw meat
- Fish with high levels of mercury
- Some cheeses such as feta (if it’s pasteurized, which in Canada it is, then you’re okay), Just look for a label on the cheese that says pasteurized.
Peep this full guide of what not to eat when you’re pregnant. Make sure you write this guide down or print it out so you don’t forget.
7. And Eat More of These Foods
- Vegetables! And lot’s of them
- Beans
- Protein
- Yogurt & Milk
- Fruits
Try staying away from processed foods and make meals that include whole ingredients.
Also, try not do indulge in too much fast food. I know it can be tempting, but you will regret it when you’ve gained over the required amount of weight during your pregnancy.
You can always check out Pinterest for some inspo on great pregnancy meals and snacks.
Here is my favorite list of easy and healthy meals to make during pregnancy.
8. What to do When You Find Out You’re Pregnant?: Start Doing Pelvic Floor Exercises
Pelvic floor exercises are an important thing to do when you find out you’re pregnant.
These exercises help to strengthen the muscles of your pelvic floor, which get strained during pregnancy and childbirth.
Honestly, I never worked on my pelvic floor during my pregnancy which resulted in a lot of uncomfortable situations for me.
One included peeing in my pants a couple of times after birth (TMI?…Sorry not sorry). even caught myself peeing in my pants after a laugh sesh, and a couple times after I’ve sneezed. So do those exercises, ladies!
Don’t be alarmed if this happens to you. It is quite common, so just laugh it off, and in time it will heal and go back to normal.
Keegals are a good way to strengthen your pelvic floor, and is a must-do when you’re pregnant. But you need to learn to do them the proper way to ensure that it is working.
Also, try not to do a lot of bouncing exercises while your pelvic floor isn’t strong & still healing.
Watch this YouTube video to help you understand and learn proper pelvic floor exercises. Try to remember to do these whenever you can.
9. Buy Maternity Bra’s
For the first 12-20 weeks of your pregnancy, you can get away by wearing your regular bra’s, or even purchasing a bra extender to help loosen your bra.
But once your boobs start growing I highly recommend Maternity bra’s.
I still wear mine every day, and they’re the most comfortable bra’s I’ve had. Don’t worry! They don’t have underwire (I’m not sure how people can even wear these bra’s daily, I find them bloody uncomfortable). These are the ones I purchased.
I bought them twice because I loved them so much. They also act as postpartum bras for all you mama’s who are planning on breastfeeding.
Maternity Bra
Mesh design is more breathable for mom, keep dry and comfortable. Adjustable straps, seamless and buttery-soft fabric that is remarkably comfortable to wear, and virtually invisible under clothing
No underwire and cups that drop fully away from the breast.
- Discrete nursing clips
- Wireless design.
- Removable padding.
10. What to do When You Find Out You’re Pregnant?: Start a Pregnancy Journal
I suck at keeping journals. I always start them but never finish. However, I made sure to track my entire pregnancy, because I knew that it would be fun to look back at it one day.
Maybe my kids would be interested to see what their mama went through, in the 9 months that I carried them (or maybe not, LOL).
Writing in my journal was a nice way for me to keep track of all the pregnancy milestones, ultrasound photos, and for me reference back to my first pregnancy when the second time rolls around.For me, this was an important thing to do when I found out I was pregnant.
I always kept my pregnancy journal beside my bed with a pen handy, so that I wouldn’t forget to write in it. If the book wasn’t around and I felt that I needed to log something ASAP, then I just wrote it down in my phone, and later entered it into my journal when I had the chance.
This is the one that I purchased through Amazon.
I liked this particular journal because of how detailed the pages were, and the design inside.
Pearhead Pregnancy Journal
Pearhead’s pregnancy journal is the perfect gender neutral baby gift for an expecting mom’s baby shower or baby registry.
The gray front cover features the words “my little bump” in gold and includes a space for your little one’s first sonogram photo.
Pages include “The Big News,” “First Doctor’s Visit,” and “The Hospital Bag” and there are whole sections for documenting each trimester as well as planning pages to ensure that the soon-to-be parents are totally ready for their new arrival
- Includes over 50 pages.
- Guided journal.
- Gender Neutral.
11. What to do When You Find Out You’re Pregnant?: Prevent Stretch Marks
No one loves stretch marks. Stretch marks were the one thing that scared me when I found out I was pregnant.
Thankfully I barely got any, because I made sure I took care of my skin religiously.
You don’t only get them on your stomach. You’ll slowly start getting stretch marks on your thighs, your butt, and your chest. anywhere where your body grows and stretches.
I included my favorite stretch mark creams and oils in my previous post “12 Genius Pregnancy Hacks to Make Life Easier.”
Lotions and Oil’s when applied earlier on during your pregnancy, can help minimize stretch marks and make your skin bounce back to normal after you deliver.
I rotated with my favorite cream & favorite oil. These specific products protect the skin from stretching and contain key ingredients to help keep your skin healthy. Stretch marks are usually permanent so take good care of your skin earlier on.
Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula
Palmer’s Cocoa Butter helps reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
Over 98% of women saw improved skin elasticity
- FREE OF: Mineral Oil, Parabens, Phthalates
- Dermatologist Approved
- Hypoallergenic and Suitable for Sensitive Skin
- Free of mineral oils, parabens, phthalates.
- Hypoallergenic
- Suitable for sensitive skin.

Bio Oil
Improves appearances of acne scars and stretch marks.
Clinically proven to help repair skin damage and scars from pregnancy, surgery, injury, acne, C-section, aging, and more.
Bio-Oil is non comedogenic and a great acne scar treatment for face
- Non-Greasy
- Reduces itchiness caused by stretching.
- Acts as a mild antiseptic assisting in the effective healing of the injured skin.
12. Decide How to Tell Your Husband/Partner
Before I even found out I was pregnant, I always envisioned a cute & fun way that I would tell my husband that I was pregnant.
This is an important thing to do when you find out you’re pregnant because it’s a memory that will stay with you and your partner forever.
In my case, I never got to do this because we both found out together on our trip to Croatia, in July of 2018.
Because I never got to surprise him with my pregnancy, I surprised him with the gender.
Once I found out the gender I got blue balloons, an infant Pittsburgh Penguin Jersey (my husbands favorite hockey team), and a baby book. I surprised him when he got home from work that day.
It was an emotional moment, and I’m glad I got to surprise him one way or another.
Check out this post 50 Unforgettable Ways to tell Your Husband You’re Pregnant.
13. Decide How You Will Announce Your Pregnancy
This was so much fun for me. This was my first pregnancy & I wanted to find cool and unique ways to tell all of the people in my life.
I did different things for different people to keep it exciting.
For my mom, I put baby items in a box, and had a sign written inside, telling my mom I was pregnant. Her reaction was so cute.
For my siblings and cousins, I created customized wine and beer labels that read that they were going to become Aunts and Uncles. You can search for personalized labels on Etsy, that’s where I got mine from.
Be creative with how you decided to tell people, and make sure to record their reaction! It’s so much fun to look back on it years later.
14. What to do When you Find out You’re Pregnant?: Download Pregnancy and Baby Apps
I enjoyed these apps. I loved them too much to the point where I had to put my phone down sometimes, because I would be on them so frequently.
I had multiple pregnancy apps on my phone because they’re all so different from one another. You get daily, weekly, and monthly updates, and it’s a great way to log anything you need to during your pregnancy such as important dates or even symptoms that you’re feeling.
My favorite part was seeing the differences each week and seeing what type of fruit baby resembled ever week.
I love being a part of the forums, where expectant mothers and women who already have babies can share their ideas, thoughts, and problems. I loved adding to these forums whenever I had the chance, and I still frequent them from time to time.
I joined specific groups such as February 2019, and it’s a nice way to keep in touch with mama’s whose babies are the same age as yours.
The best and user-friendly apps, in my opinion, include: Glow Nurture, Baby Centre, and The Bump. Download the apps directly to your phone through your App Store.
15. What to do When you Find out You’re Pregnant?: Track Your Pregnancy By Taking Weekly Pictures
This is something I feel like all mothers should do. It’s amazing to look back and see your transformation from beginning to end.
I made sure I took photos every week, and I’m so happy I did because I’ll have those memories to look back on forever.
Don’t worry if you forget to take a picture on the day you’re a new week, just find the time to take it before your next week arrives.
You can make the pictures creative. My husband bought me this sign, you fill out the columns and hold it up in every picture. You can also download Canva (which I love for many different reasons) and create your own weekly labels.
Either way, make sure you document your pregnancy by taking lots of pictures, because you don’t want to regret it one day.
Pregnancy Milestone Blackboard
Customize this adorable sign with chalk markers to share updates and creating lasting memories to share with friends and family. (Chalk markers not included)
These precious signs make for great gifts for pregnant couples and expecting mom. Use the signs to post milestones on social media or to use during a photoshoot.
- Durable and reusable.
- Easy to write on.
- Simple design.
16. Plan Your Maternity Shoot
I was hesitant to take maternity photos myself. But wow! I am so HAPPY I took these photo’s. They turned out so beautiful & are lifelong memories for myself, my husband, and my children.
Make sure to do your research and find a photographer that is easy to work with and kind. Although our pictures turned out great, our photographer wasn’t very kind or nice to work with.
I think it’s so important to create a great relationship with your photographer as you will most likely use them again in the future.
I always check Google and Instagram to find local maternity and newborn photographers. To check on Instagram you can always search hashtags such as #maternityphotographers(insert city) or #familyphotographers(insert city).
If you don’t want to spend a lot of money, you can always check Groupon to see if there are any local deals (we used Groupon for our 6-month photo shoot with our Milan). You could even ask a friend who is good at photography to take some photo’s of you and your husband/partner.
I promise you won’t regret them.
17. Start Decluttering Your Home
I hate clutter. But even someone who hates clutter, I still had throw things away that I knew I didn’t need. This is so important to do, because once baby arrives, you’re going to find your house being taken over by baby items.
and lots of them!
You want to start fresh when your little bundle of joy arrives. Clean out closets and drawers. Donate old clothes and shoes that you no longer need.
Clean out your kitchen and cabinet drawers, and throw away old appliances and kitchenware that you no longer need.
Make room for baby stuff in the kitchen, and anywhere where you think you’ll be storing baby items.
Start this off at the beginning of your pregnancy, so that by the time you reach your last trimester, you won’t have much to do.
My husband and I moved when I was 36 weeks pregnant, and by decluttering my house during my early stages of pregnancy, It made it easier during our big move.
18. Sign up for Amazon Prime
Amazon Prime is the BEST! I don’t know what I would do without it.
Amazon Prime is perfect, especially for busy and sleep-deprived parents.
We get weekly diaper, wipes, and formula subscriptions through Amazon Prime. You can cancel the subscription at any time.
Amazon Prime made our lives easier because we didn’t have to run to the store every other day, to get the things that we need.
I also created my baby registry off Amazon. I realized that their prices were way cheaper than other stores (check yourself, and compare prices on Amazon and other baby stores, you’ll notice Amazon prices are much lower).
They also have a great return policy as well. Also, your friends and family can get your registry items either shipped right to you or to their house by using Amazon Prime (saves them a trip to the store).
Anything you need for your baby you can get through Amazon with prime, you can even receive it the same day for a small fee. I hate leaving the house to buy a couple of small things. Amazon, we love you!
19. Look Into Child Care
Looking into childcare is an important thing to do when you’re pregnant because childcare facilities fill up very fast Here in Canada we get either 12 or 18 months off for maternity leave.
I know in the US it is a bit different, and sometimes mothers have to go back to work as early as 6 weeks postpartum (I salute those mama’s).
Look into childcare ASAP! It can get hard to find proper care for your child, and most places do have waitlists.
Ensure that you are looking for properly licensed childcare facilities, and be sure to take tours of the facilities that you are interested in.
The earlier, the better! So do your research and make sure you find the best possible childcare for your little babe.
20. Plan your Baby Budget
Baby items add up. Even after the baby comes, the purchases are never-ending. Sit down with your partner and come up with a budget for your family and the baby.
This is one of the most important things to do when you find out you’re pregnant, because there is going to be so many expenses coming your way. Remember, if you decide to have a baby shower, you will get a lot of amazing items.
Give yourself a budget and save adequately. Once you receive gifts from your shower, figure out what else you need and stick to your budget. Don’t be afraid to ask friends if you can borrow certain items (just remember to return them when you’re done).
You can even shop second hand on LetGo or Facebook Marketplace. Facebook Marketplace has a lot of second-hand baby items, some of them have barely even been used.
Here you go! A comprehensive list of 20 things to do when you find out you’re pregnant. I know it looks like a lot of information, but these are key things to ensure that you are ready and prepared for this little human to arrive.
What was the first thing you did when you found out you were pregnant? Do you have any other important to-do’s for expecting mothers? Comment Below.
Katie Frazier
September 9, 2019 at 2:39 pmI was pregnant only 5 months ago so as I was reading this, I was checking off everything in my mind. This is great for women who don’t know how to take the next step after finding out they’re pregnant. So helpful.
September 9, 2019 at 4:48 pmGreat post! Those are definitely some of the things I did when I was pregnant with my first.
Mindful Mama Health
September 10, 2019 at 2:27 amI love this list! When I first became pregnant I was so excited and then instantly felt clueless as to what to do next. This is so helpful for first time moms!